DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor
DHT11 Temperature and Humidity sensor Here is the link of the video This is the Circut Diagram This is the code for the project #include "dht.h" #define dht_apin A0 dht DHT; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); delay(500);//Delay to let system boot Serial.println("Humidity and Temperature scale"); delay(1000); } void loop(){ DHT.read11(dht_apin); Serial.print("Current humidity = "); Serial.print(DHT.humidity); Serial.print("% "); Serial.print("temperature = "); Serial.print(DHT.temperature); Serial.println("C "); delay(5000); } Thank you for watching the video and the visiting this blog . if you have any quarries kindly type it in the comments Thank you